Full Stack Development Certification

Learn to code and become a Web Developer in 2023 with HTML,
CSS, Javascript, React, Node.js, Machine Learning & more!

Enrolled by 100+ Students

Course Language – Hindi/English  Batch Started From – 10-07-2023

What you'll learn

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Program Content

18 sections • 180+ lectures • 60h+ total length

  • Introduction to the course
  • how internet works
  • what is web development
  • Your First Website
  • the structure of web page
  • Creating a full web page
  • More...
  • What is CSS
  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • Div
  • More...
  • Inline Javascript
  • Internal Js
  • Variables
  • Array
  • If Statement
  • More...
  • DOM
  • Naming Convention
  • String Concat
  • More...
  • What is Jquery
  • Use Jquery on our page
  • Changing Web content 
  • More...
  • Introduction of Bootstrap 5
  • Your first bootstrap web page
  • Cards on bootstrap
  • More...
  • Setting up the folder
  • responsive design
  • Header
  • More..
  • Nodejs
  • REPL
  • Native Module
  • More...
  • Express framework
  • Creating a server using express
  • Routes
  • More...
  • API 
  • Authentication and JSON
  • Killer Project
  • Git
  • Version control 
  • Github and remote repositories
  • More..
  • EJS
  • Creating EJS Template
  • More..
  • What is Database
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Create CRUD
  • Read Crud
  • More...
  • what REST
  • Setting Up Robo 3T
  • Get All Articles
  • More...
  • Intro to Authentication and security
  • Setting Up folder structure
  • Register and login
  • More...
  • Intro to Reactjs
  • Code sandbox
  • JSX and babel
  • More...
